ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English

Our web site discusses ISO 9000. If you come for a visit,
you'll find ISO's quality standards, requirements, guidelines,
definitions, a quality system development plan, three internal
quality audit programs, and much more -- all presented in
plain English. You'll find a clear interpretation of ISO 8402, 9000,
9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 10011, and 10013. So, come and
have a look. We believe you'll like what you find!

Please go to our Home Page!

Praxiom Research Group Limited

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--- N ---

National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors - NAFED

National Association of Forest Industries - NAFI

National Association of Purchasing Management - NAPM

National Biotechnology Information Facility - NBIF

National Meat Association - NMA


NetFinder USA - ODP


Netscape - ODP

New Zealand Biotechnology Association

North American Transportation Council

Nova Plaza Business Library

NSF International Strategic Registrations Ltd

--- O ---

Object Technologies Group Inc.

Oilfield Directory

Oil Survey

Old Line Plastics, Inc.

Ontario Hydro

Ontario Power Generation Inc

Open Directory Project - Regional

Open Directory Project - ISO 9000

Oregon State Human Resources Department

Oregon State University's Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Orion Registrar, Inc.