Finding Articles

Finding Articles

It is very important to consider your search strategy before you start looking for any information for your term paper. This will help you decide where and how to search for that information.


How NOT to find periodical articles

Before describing how to find periodical articles, it is important to emphasize how NOT to find them.

How to find periodical articles

You can use any combination of the following strategies to find articles for your term paper:


1. Search journal indexes

 2. Check bibliographies
Someone may have already put together a bibliography (a list of resources) about your topic. Bibliographies can occur in the form of a book, or they can be found at the end of an article, a book, or a book chapter. Encyclopedias often include excellent bibliographies at the end of each article.

  Remember that a bibliography may be very limited in its scope and that it is only current to the date of publication. If currency is important to your topic, you will want to limit your search to recently published bibliographies and check journal indexes for recent information.

  To find book-length bibliographies about your topic, search the Library catalog by KEYWORD using words to describe your topic. Then, check the subject field to determine the appropriate subject heading for that topic. Once you have determined the appropriate subject heading, you can search by SUBJECT/KEYWORD using words from the subject heading together with the word "bibliography."

3. Ask an expert

An expert in the field would be aware of important articles and authors.