IT Policy Recommendations (WEB 2000)

The WEB 2000, the 3rd Annual Information Technology conference of CSIR laboratories was hosted by National Metallurgical laboratory, Jamshedpur during 14-15th September 2000. The deliberation and presentation of papers address some of the important issues of IT in the realm of CSIR and its future perception. The issues are discussed in four technical sessions namely:

These technical sessions were followed by a Panel Discussion to make IT Policy Recommendations for CSIR.

In order to recommend the IT policies for the CSIR, various issues pertaining to the laboratories were discussed during the panel discussion. The panellists of the concluding session were Dr. Srinivas Bhogle (NAL), Dr. Albert Goviea (NIO), Mr. Debashis Pal (IICB) and Mr. Byomkesh Dash (NML). The moderator was Dr. S. Tarafder from NML. The participants and panellists (during panel discussion) were unequivocal about the fact that, every laboratory should concentrate in its respective area of core competence and derive maximum benefit from the information power and information technology. There was active participation from the delegates in framing the recommendations, which are stated below:

  1. It was appreciated by all that there is a considerable disparity in the existing IT facility, infrastructure modernisation drive and IT awareness among various laboratories. This situation may be disadvantageous for promotion and cultivation of consistent informatics culture in CSIR laboratories.
  2. In order to augment and rationalize the IT infrastructure base in all the laboratories and to provide an impetus to the IT movement in CSIR, it is imperative to take up a "Common Minimum Requirement (CMR)" policy for all laboratories such that reasonable compatibility in IT capabilities of all the laboratories may be accomplished. The suggested CMR for each laboratories are

  1. With regard to the CSIR fiscal allocation, at least 3% of the annual budget may be allocated for creation of new IT facilities and modernisation and up-gradation of existing facilities to keep pace with the rapidly changing IT scenario and fast obsolescence of electronic hardware and technology.
  2. Establishment of CSIRNET must be expedited for ensuring access to information throughout the chain of CSIR laboratories and thus enabling resource sharing and optimal use of all available resources. In this context, the bandwidth is in no way limited to 64 Kbps .
  3. Development of web-page / web-site for each laboratory is essential which would project facilities, expertise and professional competence of the concerned laboratory. It would further facilitate dissemination of information and knowledge with appropriate linkage to its resource locators.
  4. The information collected and compiled by CSIR task force on IT matters from different laboratories should be made available to all the laboratories for better appreciation of existing IT scenario in CSIR
  5. If some of the laboratories so desire, can have a demonstration copy of the Management Information System (MIS) software from NIO, Goa to explore its capabilities and utility value.
  6. The hardware maintenance jobs should be off-loaded to outside vendors for streamlining the system for better management and efficacy.
  7. The software support, network management etc. are the integral part of IT activities. These activities can only be handled by IT experts. Each laboratory must have a software support group and a system administrator to undertake these activities.
  8. In order to facilitate interactions amongst IT groups of various CSIR laboratories, an e-Group will be set up by NML.
  9. Some laboratories have done splendid job for setting up their IT infrastructure. The important reason for such advancement is that the decision-makers have given emphasis on IT and allocated funds for IT implementation. Another factor for such improvement is the availability of IT experts and planners. Laboratories having such expertise may extend their support to other laboratories through consultancy services and conducting training and workshop.
  10. IT training for administrative staff is important for the successful implementation of MIS and less-paper-office culture in the administrative wing of CSIR. A session in next WEB-2001 may address issues related to the IT implementation in CSIR administration.
  11. The next conference of WEB-2001 will be preceded by a workshop in which IT training will be offered to the delegates.
  12. NCL, CEERI, NISTAD, CRRI have shown their willingness to hold WEB-2001. They may send their proposal formally to the Director of NML for necessary co-ordination.