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This CD has been created for internal circulation (within CSIR) only. All laboratories has licensed MSDOS and Windows 98.

Software List

* Some software/programs included are shareware and evaluation versions, please purchase these if you wish to continue uses after evalution period

* Links are given to easily locate the software (e.g. for RPM packages of linux). All links are not executables.

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 to read .pdf files (Portable Document Format)

Babylon Dictionary2.2 Build 30 with update and male or female voice for pronounciation

Copernic 2000 for searching and collecting documents from internet

Ghost Script 2.7  for reading .ps (or postscript) files

Java Development Kit 2.0

Virtual Network Computing (VNC 3.3.3 R 2) for Linux A good replacement for accessing X server of linux on PC with some advantages.

Virtual Network Computing (VNC 3.3.3 R7) for Windows 95/98/NT Use the system remotely (like pcAnywhere, but PCs are accessible even from Linux)

VNC documentation

PVM4.3.2 - Parallel Virtual Machine for Windows 9x/NT (for Distributed Parallel computing)

SocksCap32 ver 1.03 - to access Telnet/FTP/SMTP/POP3 etc. from behind the firewal or proxy. You can also try their latest Release2 Beta6.

Active Perl5.0.0.5 for windows for web programming

Perl Development Kit 1.2.4

Eudora 4.3.2 Email software

Mail Warrior 3.57 A small and fast freeware email client (right click and save, then run from harddisk)

UDF read 1.03 to read CDRW in ordinary CD drive

Wintune4.2  for tuning up windows

MS Proxy server 2i I have not checked it check it yourself

Putty Beta 0.45 to use Secure Shell (SSH)

WS_FTP ver 5.06 FTP Client software

WinAmp 2.64  MP3 player and Shoutcast 1.50 b 2  for broadcasting audio over LAN or Internet

Povray 3.0 for windows :    Create those beautiful scenes

WinZip8.0 File compression/decompression software

GetSmart Full version File Download Manager 0.8 Bulid 12  A good download manager without any Ads

Netscape version 4.74 also install Netscape Smart download to resume broken downloads under netscape.

Internet Explorer web accessories 5.5 to add enhanced features

Tree Size Pro 2.0 Disk Statistics reporter You need it to locate where your GBs gone.

Font FX evaluation version    A nice graphics font generator

GoldWave 3.24 A good utility for audio processing

SeaTools    Utility to check Seagate Harddisk Drives from Seagate

GNU utilities : These are DOS version of commands like awk, grep, xargs or sed normally available under unix.

Topics in Material Science A Multimedia Book you must install in root (e.g. C:\TIMS) for this to work.

Periodic Table 3.54 Very good utility for information on elements.112 Elements 890 isotopes. 500+ radioisotopes, has over 30 data items on each element, including abundance, melt/boil point, electronegativity, oxydation states, and more. However, there is even a better site WEBELEMENTS, this you can try if you failed to get some property in this software.

Other Utilities like ARC(compression utility), RAR(compression utility), TESTCPU(to findout actual chip), MASTDISK(to archive master floppy disks), NTFSDOS Readonly (to recover data from NT system, booting from DOS), TCP View(see open/connected sockets), Shutdown/AbortSD (for use with NT for scheduled shutdown)

Drive Image utility to save your time during reinstallation of software. It takes a complete image of the hard disk and you can restore anytime. Similar utilities used by Restore CD and Recovery CD of many well know vendors.

STerm version 2.0 Software to login to windows from terminals (like unix) using COM1 or COM2

SiSoft Sandra 2000 Standard to analyse the system components

Caltiger FreeInstaller - to connect to free ISP caltiger

Submitta - to submit your site to search engines.

Free Pascal  A 32-bit Pascal compiler like Turbo Pascal 7

Dev-C++ A C/C++ compiler and development environment

iSpeed speed of your dial-up Internet connection

WARP 3D 13.8 Finite Element Code in distributable form

Nero 4.0 CDR recording software (Do not install if you are using Direct CD software for CDR)

MDSolids An Educational Software for Mechanics of Material

Teleport Pro 1.29 (Build 933) A tool to download complete websites including links and download files

HTTP Port - A small proxy server very usefull for making extra services (particularly POP/SMTP Mail servers) accessible from behind proxy server/firewall.

WinImage 5.00 - To view diskimage files.


Norton Antivirus data files update dated 13-11-2000

Win98 first edition updates, install three updates one after the other (reboots after applying each update). The updates are Service Pack1, OLE Updates and CommCtrl Update. These update has solve many problems. Also if you are using Microsoft Agents update it to Version 2.0 of MS Agents .

Service Pack 6.0a for NT4

Novell Client 32 version 3.21 for Windows 95/98 and Zen pack



uucp UUCP settings/configuration files for dialup RENNIC connection using Linux

W3Mail A nice software to provide your email users an web based interface to your local email server (Linux).

Linux Boot (DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK otherwise system will boot to Linux)

FPK Pascal and RHIDE

Postgress SQL files

Open LDAP for linux

Sendmail 8.11.0

Web Sites

Numerical recipes  for Fortran 77 ( Complete book in PDF format ) - A book on Mathematical Subroutines

Numerical recipes  for Fortran 90 ( Complete book in PDF format )- A book on Mathematical Subroutines

Lecture Notes on Network Security -Many tools on System and Network Security are available in the SYSADM directory but not documented here.

Website of Income Tax Department Delhi - This contains Income Tax Act (complete text), Guide to PAN, Forms and many useful information

Hardware Bible by Winn L Rosch - A complete book on Computer Hardware

Introduction to Material Science

Computational Science Education Project Expand to a Directory in Local drive and start browsing from TEXTOC.html

Html Tags reference Complete list for HTML 4.0

ISO 9000 The Essentials of ISO 9000

Writing thesis A recipe for writing thesis

Javascript guide A guide to Javascripts





C++ FAQs

Microsoft Foundation Class FAQs


Hardware Book Connectors of computer and peripherals

Elementary Thermodynamics

Fundamental Physical Constants Complete listing in PDF format, total 7 pages.

Thinking in Java  841-page Java programming book



BobMarks LITE is the freeware version


The Stereo Images - 3D images (try defocussing your eyes to see 3D effect)

The Network Cook Book (No idea why Network!!!)

Other links

Findout. What is this link

Utilities for System Administrators