Numerical Recipes in
Fortran 90

 Acrobat ® Edition

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Note that Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 is considered to be Volume 2 of the Numerical Recipes in Fortran series. Its chapter and page numbering continue where Volume 1 (now known as Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77) leaves off. The material in Volume 1 is not repeated in Volume 2.


  • Title Page and Table of Contents
  • Preface to Volume 2 viii
  • Foreword by Michael Metcalf x
  • License Information xvii
  • 21 Introduction to Fortran 90 Language Features

  • 21.0 Introduction 935
  • 21.1 Quick Start: Using the Fortran 90 Numerical Recipes Routines 936
  • 21.2 Fortran 90 Language Concepts 937
  • 21.3 More on Arrays and Array Sections 941
  • 21.4 Fortran 90 Intrinsic Procedures 945
  • 21.5 Advanced Fortran 90 Topics 953
  • 21.6 And Coming Soon: Fortran 95 959
  • 22 Introduction to Parallel Programming 962

  • 22.0 Why Think Parallel? 962
  • 22.1 Fortran 90 Data Parallelism: Arrays and Intrinsics 964
  • 22.2 Linear Recurrence and Related Calculations 971
  • 22.3 Parallel Synthetic Division and Related Algorithms 977
  • 22.4 Fast Fourier Transforms 981
  • 22.5 Missing Language Features 983
  • 23 Numerical Recipes Utility Functions for Fortran 90 987

  • 23.0 Introduction and Summary Listing 987
  • 23.1 Routines That Move Data 990
  • 23.2 Routines Returning a Location 992
  • 23.3 Argument Checking and Error Handling 994
  • 23.4 Routines for Polynomials and Recurrences 996
  • 23.5 Routines for Outer Operations on Vectors 1000
  • 23.6 Routines for Scatter with Combine 1002
  • 23.7 Routines for Skew Operations on Matrices 1004
  • 23.8 Other Routines 1007
  • Fortran 90 Code Chapters Introduction

    B1 Preliminaries 1010

    B2 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations 1014

    B3 Interpolation and Extrapolation 1043

    B4 Integration of Functions 1052

    B5 Evaluation of Functions 1070

    B6 Special Functions 1083

    B7 Random Numbers 1141

    B8 Sorting 1167

    B9 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations 1182

    B10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions 1201

    B11 Eigensystems 1225

    B12 Fast Fourier Transform 1235

    B13 Fourier and Spectral Applications 1253

    B14 Statistical Description of Data 1269

    B15 Modeling of Data 1285

    B16 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations 1297

    B17 Two Point Boundary Value Problems 1314

    B18 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory 1325

    B19 Partial Differential Equations 1332

    B20 Less-Numerical Algorithms 1343

    References 1359


    C1 Listing of Utility Modules (nrtype and nrutil) 1361

    C2 Alphabetical Listing of Explicit Interfaces 1384

    C3 Index of Programs and Dependencies 1434

    General Index to Volumes 1 and 2 1447