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Object. A set of radio buttons on an HTML form. The user can use a set of radio to choose one item from a list.

HTML syntax

To define a set of radio buttons, use standard HTML syntax with the addition of the onClick event handler:


HTML attributes

NAME="radioName" specifies the name of the Radio object. All radio buttons in a group have the same NAME attribute. You can access this value using the name property.

VALUE="buttonValue" specifies a value that is returned to the server when the radio button is selected and the form is submitted. This defaults to "on." You can access this value using the value property.

CHECKED specifies that the radio button is selected. You can access this value using the defaultChecked property.

textToDisplay specifies the label to display beside the radio button.


To use a radio button's properties and methods:

1. radioName[index1].propertyName
2. radioName[index1].methodName(parameters)
3. formName.elements[index2].propertyName
4. formName.elements[index2].methodName(parameters)


radioName is the value of the NAME attribute of a Radio object.

index1 is an integer representing a radio button in a Radio object.

formName is either the value of the NAME attribute of a Form object or an element in the forms array.

index2 is an integer representing a radio button on a form. The elements array contains an entry for each radio button in a Radio object.

propertyName is one of the properties listed below.

methodName is one of the methods listed below.

Property of


Implemented in


A Radio object on a form looks as follows:


A Radio object is a form element and must be defined within a <FORM> tag.

All radio buttons in a radio button group use the same name property. To access the individual radio buttons in your code, follow the object name with an index starting from zero, one for each button the same way you would for an array such as forms: document.forms[0].radioName[0] is the first, document.forms[0].radioName[1] is the second, and so on.


The Radio object has the following properties:
Property Description

Lets you programmatically select a radio button


Reflects the CHECKED attribute


Reflects the number of radio buttons in a Radio object


Reflects the NAME attribute


Reflects the TYPE attribute


Reflects the VALUE attribute



Event handlers



Example 1. The following example defines a radio button group to choose among three music catalogs. Each radio button is given the same name, NAME="musicChoice," forming a group of buttons for which only one choice can be selected. The example also defines a text field that defaults to what was chosen via the radio buttons but that allows the user to type a nonstandard catalog name as well. The onClick event handler sets the catalog name input field when the user clicks a radio button.

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="catalog" SIZE="20">
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="soul-and-r&b"
   onClick="musicForm.catalog.value = 'soul-and-r&b'"> Soul and R&B
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="jazz"
   onClick="musicForm.catalog.value = 'jazz'"> Jazz
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="classical"
   onClick="musicForm.catalog.value = 'classical'"> Classical
Example 2. The following example contains a form with three text boxes and three radio buttons. The radio buttons let the user choose whether the text fields are converted to uppercase or lowercase, or not converted at all. Each text field has an onChange event handler that converts the field value depending on which radio button is checked. The radio buttons for uppercase and lowercase have onClick event handlers that convert all fields when the user clicks the radio button.

<TITLE>Radio object example</TITLE>
function convertField(field) {
   if (document.form1.conversion[0].checked) {
      field.value = field.value.toUpperCase()}
   else {
   if (document.form1.conversion[1].checked) {
      field.value = field.value.toLowerCase()}
function convertAllFields(caseChange) {
   if (caseChange=="upper") {
   document.form1.lastName.value = document.form1.lastName.value.toUpperCase()
   document.form1.firstName.value = document.form1.firstName.value.toUpperCase()
   document.form1.cityName.value = document.form1.cityName.value.toUpperCase()}
   else {
   document.form1.lastName.value = document.form1.lastName.value.toLowerCase()
   document.form1.firstName.value = document.form1.firstName.value.toLowerCase()
   document.form1.cityName.value = document.form1.cityName.value.toLowerCase()
<FORM NAME="form1">
<B>Last name:</B>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="lastName" SIZE=20 onChange="convertField(this)">
<BR><B>First name:</B>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="firstName" SIZE=20 onChange="convertField(this)">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cityName" SIZE=20 onChange="convertField(this)">
<P><B>Convert values to:</B>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="conversion" VALUE="upper"
   onClick="if (this.checked) {convertAllFields('upper')}"> Upper case
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="conversion" VALUE="lower"
   onClick="if (this.checked) {convertAllFields('lower')}"> Lower case
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="conversion" VALUE="noChange"> No conversion
See also the example for the Link object.

See also

Checkbox object, Form object, Select object


Method. Returns a pseudo-random number between zero and one. The random number generator is seeded from current time, as in Java.



Method of


Implemented in


//Returns a random number between 0 and 1
function getRandom() {
   return Math.random()


Property. Specifies the URL of the calling document when a user clicks a link.



Property of


Implemented in

Navigator 2.0


When a user navigates to a destination document by clicking a Link object on a source document, the referrer property contains the URL of the source document. Evaluate the referrer property from the destination document.

referrer is a read-only property.


In the following example, the getReferrer function is called from the destination document. It returns the URL of the source document.

function getReferrer() {
   return document.referrer


Method. Forces a reload of the window's current document.




true forces an unconditional HTTP GET of the document from the server. This should not be used unless you have reason to believe that disk and memory caches are off or broken, or the server has a new version of the document (possibly it is generated by a CGI on each request).

Method of


Implemented in

Navigator 3.0


The reload method forces a reload of the document specified by the URL in the location.href property.

This method uses the same policy that the Navigator's Reload button uses (Once per Session, Every Time, or Never). The user sets the default value of this policy by choosing Network Preferences from the Options menu and specifying Verify Documents on the Cache tab of the Preferences dialog box.

The reload method does not force a transaction with the server, unless the user has set the preference to Every Time, in which case it does a "conditional GET" request using an If-modified-since HTTP header, to ask the server to return the document only if its last-modified time is newer than the time the client keeps in its cache. In other words, reload will reload from the cache, unless the user has specified Every Time and the document has changed on the server since it was last loaded and saved in the cache.

In event handlers, you must specify window.location.reload() instead of simply using location.reload(). Due to the scoping of static objects in JavaScript, a call to location without specifying an object name is equivalent to document.location, which is a synonym for document.URL.


The following example displays an image and three radio buttons. The user can click the radio buttons to choose which image is displayed. Clicking another button lets the user reload the document.

function displayImage(theImage) {

<FORM NAME="imageForm">
<B>Choose an image:</B>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image1" CHECKED
   onClick="displayImage('seaotter.gif')">Sea otter
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image2"
   onClick="displayImage('orca.gif')">Killer whale
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image3"
   onClick="displayImage('humpback.gif')">Humpback whale

<IMG NAME="marineMammal" SRC="seaotter.gif" ALIGN="left" VSPACE="10">

<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Click here to reload"

See also

replace method


Method. Loads the specified URL over the current history entry.




URL specifies the URL to load.

Method of


Implemented in

Navigator 3.0


The replace method loads the specified URL over the current history entry, so after the replace method is used, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL by using Navigator's Back button.

In event handlers, you must specify window.location.replace() instead of simply using location.replace(). Due to the scoping of static objects in JavaScript, a call to location without specifying an object name is equivalent to document.location, which is a synonym for document.URL.


The following example lets the user choose among several catalogs to display. The example displays two sets of radio buttons which let the user choose a season and a category, for example the Spring/Summer Clothing catalog or the Fall/Winter Home & Garden catalog. When the user clicks the Go button, the displayCatalog function executes the replace method, replacing the current URL with the URL appropriate for the catalog the user has chosen. Note that after the replace method is used, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL (the list of catalogs) by using Navigator's Back button.

function displayCatalog() {
   var seaName=""
   var catName=""

   for (var i=0; i < document.catalogForm.season.length; i++) {
      if (document.catalogForm.season[i].checked) {

   for (var i in document.catalogForm.category) {
      if (document.catalogForm.category[i].checked) {
   fileName=seaName + catName + ".html"

<FORM NAME="catalogForm">
<B>Which catalog do you want to see?</B>

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="season" VALUE="q1" CHECKED>Spring/Summer
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="season" VALUE="q3">Fall/Winter

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="clo" CHECKED>Clothing
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="lin">Linens
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="hom">Home & Garden

<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="displayCatalog()">

See also

reload method

reset method

Method. Simulates a mouse click on a reset button for the calling form.




formName is the name of any form or an element in the forms array.

Method of


Implemented in

Navigator 3.0


The reset method restores a form element's default values. A reset button does not need to be defined for the form.


The following example displays a Text object in which the user is to type "CA" or "AZ". The Text object's onChange event handler calls a function that executes the form's reset method if the user provides incorrect input. When the reset method executes, defaults are restored and the form's onReset event handler displays a message.

function verifyInput(textObject) {
   if (textObject.value == 'CA' || textObject.value == 'AZ') {
      alert('Nice input')
   else { document.form1.reset() }

<FORM NAME="form1" onReset="alert('Please enter CA or AZ.')">
Enter CA or AZ:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="state" SIZE="2" onChange=verifyInput(this)><P>

See also

onReset event handler, Reset object

Reset object

Object. A reset button on an HTML form. A reset button resets all elements in a form to their defaults.

HTML syntax

To define a reset button, use standard HTML syntax with the addition of the onClick event handler:


HTML attributes

NAME="resetName" specifies the name of the Reset object. You can access this value using the name property.

VALUE="buttonText" specifies the text to display on the button face. You can access this value using the value property.


To use a Reset object's properties and methods:

1. resetName.propertyName
2. resetName.methodName(parameters)
3. formName.elements[index].propertyName
4. formName.elements[index].methodName(parameters)


resetName is the value of the NAME attribute of a Reset object.

formName is either the value of the NAME attribute of a Form object or an element in the forms array.

index is an integer representing a Reset object on a form.

propertyName is one of the properties listed below.

methodName is one of the methods listed below.

Property of


Implemented in


A Reset object on a form looks as follows:

A Reset object is a form element and must be defined within a <FORM> tag.

The reset button's onClick event handler cannot prevent a form from being reset; once the button is clicked, the reset cannot be canceled.


The Reset object has the following properties:
Property Description

Reflects the NAME attribute


Reflects the TYPE attribute


Reflects the VALUE attribute



Event handlers



Example 1. The following example displays a Text object with the default value "CA" and a reset button with the text "Clear Form" displayed on its face. If the user types a state abbreviation in the Text object and then clicks the Clear Form button, the original value of "CA" is restored.

<B>State: </B><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="state" VALUE="CA" SIZE="2">
<P><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">
Example 2. The following example displays two Text objects, a Select object, and three radio buttons; all of these objects have default values. The form also has a reset button with the text "Defaults" on its face. If the user changes the value of any of the objects and then clicks the Defaults button, the original values are restored.

<TITLE>Reset object example</TITLE>
<FORM NAME="form1">
<BR><B>City: </B><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="Santa Cruz" SIZE="20">
<B>State: </B><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="state" VALUE="CA" SIZE="2">
<P><SELECT NAME="colorChoice">
   <OPTION> Yellow
   <OPTION> Green
   <OPTION> Red
<P><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="soul-and-r&b"
   CHECKED> Soul and R&B
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="jazz">
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="musicChoice" VALUE="classical">
<P><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Defaults" NAME="reset1">

See also

Button object, Form object, onReset event handler, reset method, Submit object


Method. Transposes the elements of an array: the first array element becomes the last and the last becomes the first.




arrayName is the name of an Array object or a property of an existing object.

Method of


Implemented in

Navigator 3.0


The reverse method transposes the elements of the calling array object.


The following example creates an array myArray, containing three elements, then reverses the array.

myArray = new Array("one", "two", "three")
This code changes myArray so that:

See also

join, sort methods


Method. Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.




number is any numeric expression or a property of an existing object.

Method of


Implemented in

Navigator 2.0


If the fractional portion of number is .5 or greater, the argument is rounded to the next highest integer. If the fractional portion of number is less than .5, the argument is rounded to the next lowest integer.


//Displays the value 20
document.write("The rounded value is " + Math.round(20.49))

//Displays the value 21
document.write("<P>The rounded value is " + Math.round(20.5))

//Displays the value -20
document.write("<P>The rounded value is " + Math.round(-20.5))

//Displays the value -21
document.write("<P>The rounded value is " + Math.round(-20.51))
In LiveWire, you can display the same output by calling the write function instead of using document.write.

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