Choosing a Topic

Coming up with Ideas

You can use some or all of the following techniques to come up with a thesis topic.

  Keeping a journal

 Keep a journal while you are in the process of choosing and developing your thesis topic, and carry it around with you. Any time you think of, read about, or hear about an idea that you might like to follow up on, record it in your journal. Write down any leads you get, as well as your thoughts as you investigate these topics. Your journal will help you to remember ideas and will serve as a basis for comparison when you are trying to compare the potential of various topics.

  Brainstorming or nonstop writing

Talking with others Do these people have any ideas? Do they think your ideas are feasible? Can they give you any leads to important documents or authors?

  Narrowing down from a list of possible topics

Library of Congress Subject Headings

 The Library of Congress Subject Headings (big red books in the OPAC area) will

Media All of the above can be good springboards for identifying issues on which to base a term paper.

  Reference section

 The reference section in the library is a good place to go to find a broad overview of a subject.

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