ISO 9000 Introduction
What is ISO 9000?
ISO 9000 is sweeping the world. It is rapidly becoming the most important quality standard. Thousands of companies in over 100 countries have already adopted it, and many more are in the process of doing so. Why? Because it controls quality. It saves money. Customers expect it. And competitors use it.

ISO 9000 applies to all types of organizations. It doesn't matter what size they are or what they do. It can help both product and service oriented organizations achieve standards of quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world.

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. It is located in Switzerland and was established in 1947 to develop common international standards in many areas. Its members come from the standards bodies in over 90 countries.

ISO first published its quality assurance and quality management standards in 1987 and then republished an updated version in 1994. These quality standards are referred to as the "ISO 9000 Standards". ISO's purpose was to facilitate international commerce by providing a single set of standards that people everywhere would recognize and respect.

The ISO 9000 Standards apply to all kinds of organizations in all kinds of areas. Some of these areas include manufacturing, processing, servicing, printing, forestry, electronics, steel, computing, legal services, financial services, accounting, trucking, banking, retailing, drilling, recycling, aerospace, construction, exploration, textiles, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, publishing, shipping, energy, telecommunications, plastics, metals, research, health care, hospitality, utilities, aviation, machine tools, food processing, agriculture, government, education, recreation, fabrication, sanitation, software development, consumer products, transportation, instrumentation, tourism, biotechnology, chemicals, consulting, insurance, and so on.

Here is how it works. You decide that you need to develop a quality system that meets the ISO 9000 Standards. You choose to follow this path because you feel the need to control or improve the quality of your products and services, to reduce the costs associated with poor quality, or to become more competitive. Or, you choose this path simply because your customers expect you to do so or because a governmental body has made it mandatory.

You then develop a quality system that meets the quality requirements specified by one of the following three standards: ISO 9001, ISO 9002, or ISO 9003. In the course of doing so, you also consider ISO's guidelines. These guidelines include ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013.

Once your quality system has been fully developed and implemented, you invite an accredited external auditor (registrar) to evaluate its effectiveness. If your auditors like what they see, they will certify that your quality system has met all of ISO's requirements. They will then issue an official certificate to you and they will record your achievement in their registry. You can then announce to the world that the quality of your products and services is managed, controlled, and assured by a registered ISO 9000 quality system.

However, you don't have to be registered. ISO does not require formal registration (certification). You can be in compliance without being registered by an accredited auditor. But, your customers are more likely to believe that you have an effective quality system if an independent external auditor says so.

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An Overview of Our ISO 9000 Website
This website discusses the ISO 9000 quality standards. It discusses both requirements and guidelines.
ISO's requirements include ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003. And ISO's guidelines include ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013. For the benefit of those who appreciate clarity, we have translated these requirements and guidelines into plain Anglo-Saxon English.
Since ISO wants you to meet their requirements and to follow their guidelines by developing a quality system, we have created a Quality System Development Plan. If you need to implement ISO 9000, this plan will help you do it.
Once you've implemented ISO 9000, you can't stop there. You also have to audit your quality system. To help you out, we've developed the following three Internal Audit Programs to deal with ISO's three sets of requirements:
ISO 9001 Internal Audit Program
ISO 9002 Internal Audit Program
ISO 9003 Internal Audit Program
Finally, if you're serious about ISO 9000,
you'll also need to understand the big picture.
In order to help you out, we've
defined ISO's concepts
using ordinary English, and we've developed a simple
theoretical framework that explains what ISO is all about.
As you can see, our website covers a lot of ground.
So, please have a look around. You might find it helpful.

Our ISO 9000 Publications and Programs
This website summarizes the ISO 9000 standards. It does not present detail.
If you need detail, please consider purchasing the following publications.

Title 1: How to Develop a Quality System Using ISO 9000
Title 1 covers ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003, and
presents a Quality System Development Plan
I want to order Title 1
I want to see ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 before I order
I want to see your Quality System Development Plan before I order

Title 2: ISO 9001 Internal Audit Program
Title 2 is a complete, ready to use, and easy to understand Program
I want to order Title 2
I want to see your ISO 9001 Audit Program before I order

Title 3: ISO 9002 Internal Audit Program
Title 3 is a complete, ready to use, and easy to understand Program
I want to order Title 3
I want to see your ISO 9002 Audit Program before I order

Title 4: ISO 9003 Internal Audit Program
Title 4 is a complete, ready to use, and easy to understand Program
I want to order Title 4
I want to see your ISO 9003 Audit Program before I order

Title 5: ISO 9000 Guidelines Translated into Plain English
Title 5 covers ISO 9000(1-2-3-4), ISO 9004(1-2-3-4),
ISO 10011(1-2-3), and ISO 10013
I want to order Title 5
I want to see ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 before I order

Title 6: ISO 9000 Requirements Translated into Plain English
Title 6 covers ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003
I want to order Title 6
I want to see ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 before I order

Title 7: ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English
Title 7 covers ISO 9000(1-2-3-4), ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003,
ISO 9004(1-2-3-4), ISO 10011(1-2-3), and ISO 10013
I want to order Title 7
I want to see ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003 before I order
I want to see ISO 9000, ISO 9004, ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 before I order

Title 8: The ISO 9000 Guide Translated into Plain English
Title 8 covers ISO 9000-1, ISO 9000-2, ISO 9000-3, and ISO 9000-4
I want to order Title 8
I want to see ISO 9000-1, ISO 9000-2,
ISO 9000-3, and ISO 9000-4 before I order

Title 9: The ISO 9004 Guide Translated into Plain English
Title 9 includes ISO 9004-1, ISO 9004-2, ISO 9004-3, and ISO 9004-4
I want to order Title 9
I want to see ISO 9004-1, ISO 9004-2,
ISO 9004-3, and ISO 9004-4 before I order

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For your convenience, we have provided a variety of navigational aids. If you need to get a sense of how this website is organized, please see either our Site Map or our Table of Contents page. But if you want to go directly to a specific topic or you don't know exactly what you need, please try our Detailed Alphabetical Index. Here you can click any topic you want and go directly to the information you need, all in one step. In addition, you will notice a set of 20 navigational links at the bottom of every page. Just click a link, and bingo, you're there.

This web page was first published on May 25, 1997
This web page was updated on May 10, 1999
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ISO 9000 Translated into Plain English
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Introduction Definitions Theory Requirements
Guidelines Q.S.D. Plan Audit Programs Quality Awards
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Our website translates the ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003, ISO 9004,
ISO 10011, and ISO 10013 standards into plain English. It also presents three
ISO 9000 internal audit programs, and a quality system development plan.